Easy Homemade Chicken Kiev

Posted by May 29,2014 0 comments
Easy Homemade Chicken Kiev Chicken Kiev is a beautiful Chicken cutlet style dish made by encasing garlic butter inside a chicken breast coating the whole thing in breadcrumbs and cooking. The origin of this dish is widely disputed by both the Russians and the Ukrainian's. The Ukrainians claim the dish was invented there and named after the Capital of Ukraine, however a Russian food historian subsequently claimed the dish was invented in the Moscow Merchants Club in the early part of the twentieth century, and was renamed by a local restaurant using the name chicken Kiev to enhance their menu. Wherever it was invented it is now a well known and much enjoyed dish all over the world. This Chicken Kiev recipe is easy to make, with no real technical skills required. The resulting dish will make even the most experienced cooks feel proud to serve it. ingredients 8 ...
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Moussaka Recipe – Made Easy

Posted by May 29,2014 0 comments
Moussaka Recipe - Made Easy Moussaka is an Aubergine and or potato, one pot dish popularised in  predominantly Balkan and Mediterranean cuisines, although today it has a huge following by many families in the UK. There are hundreds of variations of this recipe with many Mediterranean families citing mamas secret moussaka recipe. The way in which this Moussaka recipe is eaten varies from country to country. In Greece, the dish is layered and usually eaten hot. In Turkey, it is fried then eaten in the style of a casserole, then served at room temperature. In Arabic countries, a slight variation of the Moussaka recipe, by choice, is eaten cold. Moussaka Ingredients 1 large onion 2 cloves Garlic 1 teaspoon dried Oregano 60–90ml or 4–6 tablespoons olive oil 150ml or ¼ pt beef stock made with 2 stock cubes 450g or 1lb lean minced beef 5ml or 1 teaspoon salt 10ml or 2 ...
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Submit A Recipe Here

Posted by May 27,2014 0 comments
Submit A Recipe Here Readers, you are invited to submit a recipe for inclusion in this website. Your recipe will be accredited by name and a link to your food related website will be added if you have one . What To Submit when you submit a recipe it must be fairly easy to make with concise instructions, list of ingredients and at least one clear image of the finished item. You must have permission to submit your recipe and no copyright must be infringed by the posting of same. Recipes chosen by easyhomecooking for inclusion, will be added to a readers recipe section on this website and random prizes may be awarded by easyhomecooking for recipes chosen by us for no apparent reason other than we really like it! Its nice to share, and recipes are something that you can be proud of especially if they have been passed down the generations. When you submit a recipe it can be ...
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Easy Pancake Recipe-Beginners

Posted by May 27,2014 0 comments
Easy Pancake Recipe Not just for pancake day (Shrove Tuesday) !!Pancakes are a delicious easy to make treat all year round, topped with all manner of fillings and sauces this easy pancake recipe will make life much easier for you. Ingredients 100g plain flour 2  free range eggs 300ml semi skimmed milk 1 tbsp sunflower oil, melted butter or vegetable oil, plus a little extra for frying pancakes small pinch salt Using This Easy Pancake Recipe Sieve the flour along with a pinch of salt into a  mixing bowl and make a well in the centre. Break the eggs into the well, then pour in around 50ml milk and 1 tbsp oil or melted butter. Start whisking outwards from the centre of the bowl, gradually mixing the flour into the eggs, milk and oil or butter. Once all the flour is blended in, beat  the batter until you have a smooth, thick paste. Add additional  milk if it is too ...
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