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Submit A Recipe

Submit A Recipe Here

Readers, you are invited to submit a recipe for inclusion in this website. Your recipe will be accredited by name and a link to your food related website will be added if you have one .

when you submit a recipe it must be fairly easy to make with concise instructions, list of ingredients and at least one clear image of the finished item. You must have permission to submit your recipe and no copyright must be infringed by the posting of same.

Recipes chosen by easyhomecooking for inclusion, will be added to this website at the descretion of the webmaster and random prizes may be awarded by easyhomecooking for recipes chosen by us for no apparent reason other than we really like it!

Its nice to share, and recipes are something that you can be proud of especially if they have been passed down the generations.

When you submit a recipe it can be for a starter, a main course, a dessert or even for a single vegetable or side dish.  Food related articles as well as recipes, how to cook posts and even product reviews, can also be submitted through our submit a Recipe page

submitting recipes to sites such as easyhomecooking.co.uk increases the number of backlinks to your food related website and may increase your search engine rankings.


Please select your image(s) to upload.

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