Barbecue Ribs – Easiest & Stickiest Recipe

Posted by Jun 24,2014 2 comments
Barbecue Ribs - Easiest & Stickiest Recipe Since my childhood I have always adored the sticky meatiness of good home cooked barbecue ribs. I have eaten many varieties and variations of sticky barbecue ribs in even the most unlikely parts of the world. I have tried barbecue ribs that are extra meaty, some that are extra sticky, and some that were neither meaty or sticky! This simple barbecue ribs recipe uses basic store cupboard ingredients,and meat you can find from almost any butcher or supermarket. I know this is my own version of a recipe, but I honestly believe it really does take some beating! Ingredients For The Easiest And Stickiest Barbecue Ribs 500g carton or jar of Passata (sieved tomatoes). 2 large garlic cloves peeled and crushed. 2 tbsp soy sauce. 1 tbsp Lea & Perrins Worcestershire sauce. 1kg meaty but lean pork ribs. 3 tbsp good quality ...
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